GDR Podcasts – Talking Wellness

Doctor Jamie “Medication” Prg#01
Doctor Jamie “Diabetes” Prg#02
So so is being done by many people and they love the time that they get to spend composing an essay, the benefits. So many men and women love this they are able to enjoy their studies and since they’re currently taking a lot of stress off their lives. So many people are taking college courses, these days and they just want to have the ability to finish their papers fast and enjoy themselves.

noreferrer”>Doctor Jamie “Hydration” Prg#03

Doctor David Prg#2 (Hayfever)
Doctor David Prg#3 (Crohn’s Disease)
Doctor David Prg#4 (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Doctor David Prg#5 (PSA Tests)
Doctor David Prg#7 (Safe Food)
Doctor David Prg#21 (Stroke) (6.13)
Doctor David Prg#33 (Immunisation)
Doctor David Prg#30 (Aspirin)
Doctor David Prg#31 (Cold+Heart)
Doctor David Prg#39 (BloodPressure)
Doctor David Prg#40 (BloodPressure#2)
Doctor David Prg#51 (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)
Doctor David Prg#53 (Tinnitus)
Doctor David Prg#62 (Cooking Safely)
Doctor David Prg#66 (Falls)
Doctor David Prg#67 (Low Bld Pressure)
Doctor David Prg#68 (Fungal Toe)
Doctor David Prg#72 (Carpal Tunnel) (8.47)
Doctor David Prg#91 (Measles) (8.10)
Doctor David Prg#93 (Ebola) (8.42)
Doctor David Prg#95 (Anosmia) (9.09)
Doctor David Prg#96 (Travel Medicine) (11.23)
Doctor David Prg#98 (Blood Thinners) (12.20)
Doctor David Prg#100 (Caffiene+Heartbeat) (9.57)
Doctor David Prg#101 (Heart Exercise) (8.18)
Doctor David Prg#105 (Gout) (11.55)
Doctor David Prg#111 (Pain) (11.32)
Doctor David Prg#112 (Pain Treat 1) (12.10)
Doctor David Prg#113 (Pain Treat 2) (9.00)
Doctor David Prg#158 (Restless Legs) (10.36)
Doctor David Prg#159 (Zika) (11.01)
Doctor David Prg#160 (Fatigue)(9.26)
Doctor David Prg#161 (Prostate Test)(11.36)
Doctor David Prg#162 (Botox) (9.37)
Doctor David Prg#163 (Mozzies) (8.28)
Doctor David Prg#262 (Driving and Medication) (7.06)
Doctor David Prg#296 (Listeriosis 3) (7.29)
Doctor David Prg#297 (Why take drugs) (8.40)
Doctor David Prg#298 (Drugs and the Brain Pt 1) (8.12)
Doctor David Prg#299 (Drugs and the Brain Pt 2) (8.29)